Monday, July 25, 2005

Gap Man

The Gap—Store 2529
7301 South Santa Fe Drive
Littleton, CO 80120

RE: Wonderful Service—Cashier 1536999 & Crew

To the Management & Staff:

Just after 5:00 PM on Saturday evening, July 2nd, I found myself standing outside of the Aspen Grove Starbucks drenched in Earl Grey tea and a wedding to attend within the hour. Looking left and right, I spotted the Gap sign and ran to the door.

The staff on duty sensed my dilemma and rushed to my service. “The shirt should be easy; you look like a large.” After matching the shirt to my belt and shoes, one of the crew rushed it off to be steamed. The chinos were next, “Pleated or flat? Cuff or none?” If I hadn’t been vain and tried for one waist size too small, that step would have been as quick as the shirt. I walked out of the dressing room—one crew member snipped tags off my new pants and took my credit card, a second stood with my newly-pressed shirt and a third held out a bag for my old clothes. “You fold; I’ll sign,” I said as I strided toward the register, buttoning the crisp, steam-warm shirt.

Only when seated among the beautiful Hudson Gardens, listening to the violin play the processionals in anticipation of the bride did I sneak a fearful peek at the slip I’d signed for my new clothes and found a pleasant surprise—a discount to boot!

What a wonderful experience and what a sales crew! My faith in the young adults of our time was reinforced twice that evening: by the cheerful professionalism of the sales crew at the Gap and by the charming, intimate smiles of the bride and groom as they danced on their wedding night.

Sorry I didn’t get your names gang, but my gratitude is just as sincere,

Dwight Lakey

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